aculty - Directorate of Farms

Director Farms-

Dr.R.S.Shukla is the University Professor and Head, Department of Plant Breeding &Genetics, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi VishwaVidhyalaya, Jabalpur. He is associated in Wheat Research since 1996. Received honors degree of M.Sc. (Biosciences with special paper in Microbiology) in 1981 and Ph. D.(Plant Breeding and Genetics) in 1985 from JN Krishi VishwaVidyalaya, Jabalpur(MP). He started his professional carrier in 1985 as scientist and completed 39 years of services to VishwaVidhya. Presently he is looking AICRP –NSP-QSP, Wheat Improvement Project and CRP on Hybrid Wheat Technology along with responsibility of Professor and Head Plant Breeding and Genetics. He has also performed the duties of Director at Directorate of Farms, JNKVV, Jabalpur from 31st July 2023.He has Developed 24 varieties out of which 16 varieties of wheat, 4 varieties of soybean, 2 varieties of chickpea and 2 varieties of urd bean. The nucleus seed production and Breeder seed production of wheat at University headquarters monitored under his leadership and also collaborator for wheat research and seed production at BISA, Jabalpur from JNKVV. Awarded plaque of Honuor for “Recognition of the services provided for the Improvement and Development of Wheat in Madhya Pradesh” by DDG, ICAR during Annual Group meeting of Wheat(2013-2014) held at Jabalpur. He has visited Keniya (KARI), CIMMYT Mexico and Kath Mandu under CIMMYT programme. Dr. Shukla is the life member of many National and International journals, author of three books and five bulletins, published more than 100 research article in many international and national journals, guided 23 Ph.D. and 35 M. Sc. Students.

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Office Contact Number

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Dr. R. S. Shukla

Director Farms



















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Shri Ajay Jaiswal

Ad. Officer (Farms)


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ShriShyamLal Patel

Field Extension Officer



AkashKumar Kachhi

Computer Operator



Manoj Kumar Kanojiya






Shri R. B. Tiwari




